(dot) Good Idea

Welcome to "(dot) Good Idea". This is an "Advent" blog where I post what is almost a good idea every day leading up to Christmas. You are welcome to use the good ideas, if you are mad enough, all I ask for is a small share of the profits. :-)

Tuesday, 1 December 2009...


Award Winning (dot)goodidea

You know how everything has to be award winning nowadays? I noticed it on the television last night. A product can not just the a pot of beauty cram, or a television programme, it needs to be an Award Winning cream with octowhatsits, or an Award Winning mega programme.

This is all fine and well for those products that won an award in 1892 for the cleanest toilet in Ipswich, and this should allow any company to honestly claim to be award winning, but what about all these new companies who have not won anything yet? Enter the award winning AwardWinning (dot)goodidea .

You simply enter your company or product details in to the web site, click the "Award" button, the site will search all the awards you can win and enter you for them.

I know what you are thinking, what is the revenue stream. This is the clever bit. If there are no awards you can enter, or you can not win any, then Award Winning will create an award for you to win. It will be a totally above board award and you get a trophy an everything.

As far as I can see it is a perfect idea with no floors what so ever. Anyone want to invest? It's a winner.


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